re:mote: auckland was the first in a series of one-day experimental festivals, bringing together new media art practitioners and theorists from Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to discuss the theme of remoteness and technology.
Developing critical discourse outside of an institutional framework... but rather than thinking of it like a new building, imagine scaffolding that attaches onto existing buildings and creates new architectures between them.
L Observatoire critique des ressources en ligne pour l histoire de l art et l archeologie a mis en ligne ce site pour favoriser l appropriation critique du web comme environnement scientifique pour la documentation, l etude et la recherche.
Diagrams are an essential tool for communicating information architecture and interaction design in Web development teams. This document discusses the considerations in development of such diagrams, outlines a basic symbology for diagramming information
Lots of texts on technology and art
Recherches et creation sonore / installations in-situ et multi-media / diffusion et pedagogie
It is based on the manuscript of New Media Art, a book written by Mark Tribe and Reena Jana and published by Taschen in 2006. The Taschen book is available in French, German, Italian and Spanish in addition to English. This wiki book is not intended as a
An Introduction to the Archeology of Media Art
A website in order to introduce myself, but especially to be able to share research work, projects, work underway or now complete, to offer a personal analysis of topical cultural events or take you on a guided tour of the towns where I've lived.
Char Davies website
Propose 294 videos d'artistes qui temoignent personnellement de leur travail. Possibilite de visionner un extrait de quelques minutes, accompagne d'une notice sur la demarche de l'artiste.
Arcot[h]eme est un site pedagogique destine aux etudiants en Histoire de l'Art et en Arts Plastiques. Il a ete concu dans le but de leur offrir des informations et des outils pour analyser, commenter, comprendre.
Quelles sont les possibilites d'un art plastique a l'epoque des appareils de production, reproduction et diffusion d'images ? Apres la photographie, le cinema, la video, quelle chance le numerique, qui se trouve aujourd'hui au relai de tous les
TBP has developed a style that uses sensual actions that's investigating materials, substances and conditions.
NeMe works on various platforms which focus on contemporary theories and their intersection with the arts.
Mettre a disposition de tous ceux qui travaillent, ou qui sont simplement interesses par cette question, des ressources pedagogiques et de recherche sur l'argumentation. D'autre part, partager avec les visiteurs de ce blog des resultats de recher
The Case of Narrative in Digital Media
Electronic journal of art and technology
Histories of media art, science and technology
Une nouvelle revue d'art sur internet
By dieter daniels
New media art and theory
Online netart magazine in new york
New media, art, culture, theory
Encyclopedia about interaction-design
Bienvenue dans la Banque Digitale. Cette banque de donnees a ete concue et enrichie par Valerie Morignat afin de constituer une base de ressources libre d'acces pour les chercheurs, les createurs, etudiants et publics concernes par la creation
Theory by denis labrosse
Web art, political art, poetry, critical text
Pierre bourdareau works
Arts visuels et mediatiques
Ressource biblio