New Art City’s mission is to develop an accessible toolkit for building virtual installations that show born-digital artifacts alongside digitized works of traditional media.
Our curation and product design prioritize those who are disadvantaged by structural injustice. An inclusive and redistributive community is as important to our project as the toolkit itself.
All Sci Fi novels published since 1900 were scraped from Good Reads, and for each novel, all reader comments, plot descriptions, and user-generated tags were compiled. Keywords and concepts were added to each novel by parsing the text described above and mapping them to a curated dictionary of SciFi keywords and concepts. 2,633 novels published since 1990 had at least 50 reviews and contained at least one keyword from the keyword corpus.
After keyword enhancement, a book network was created by linking novels if they share similar keyword. Network clusters identify Keyword Themes - or groups of similar books that are labeled most commonly shared keywords in the group.
The network was generated using the open source python 'tag2network' package, and visualized here using 'openmappr''. The scripts for analyzing this dataset are available at
This is a collaborative project of Bethanie Maples, Srini Kadamati, and Eric Berlow
NOTE - This visualization performs best in Chrome and Safari browsers full screen - and is not optimized for the small screens of mobile devices.
How to Navigate this Network:
Click on any node to to see more details about it.
Click the whitespace or 'Reset' button to clear any selection.
Use the Snapshots panel to navigate between views.
Use the Filters panel to select nodes by any combination of attributes.
Click the 'Subset' button to restrict the data to the selected nodes - The Filters panel will then show a summary of that subset.
Use the List panel to see a sortable list of any nodes selected or subset. You can also browse their details one by one by clicking on them in the list.
Commonspoly is a free licensed board game which promotes cooperation and the act of commoning.
The OpenStreetBrowser is an application to 'browse' through the information in the displayed part of the map. The aim of the project is to provide a highly dynamic map that makes every mapped feature easily available to the user.
Sharing Architectural Knowledge
Post a secret on a postcard
a recently born interaction design group that explores natural communication between people and technology. We design experiences that merge real and digital into a creative environment where people are invited to touch, play, move, feel as they do in the
Vibro is a sonic object, at the crossroads of an art multiple an a specialised magazine.Vibro intends to render experiments in the fields of electroacoustics and Lo-Fi more 'audible'.
Le Mouvement Art Public est un organisme a but non lucratif voue a la promotion de la culture actuelle par les memes moyens de masse que la publicite.
Montagne Froide est un dispositif de creation oeuvrant dans les champs inter-relies du texte, de la voix, de l'image, du son, du corps, de la machine (). was founded by video artists and filmmakers based in New York City. We are dedicated to video art and short films but interested in any artist utilizing the video medium.
Collectif d'artistes, art numerique, installations, performances, multimedia, art contemporain
Musiques Actuelles Spectacle vivant Multimedia Arts numeriques
Collective working on LED interactive wall
This is the first step in an ongoing social experiment, based on twitter. inspired by wefeelfine and drawing data from summize, hand-crafted by amy hoy and thomas fuchs.
Nous cherchons a developper un art entre l'image et l'acte, l'ecrit et la parole, le muet et le sonore, le plan et le volume, necessitant parfois, outre notre presence, une mise a contribution du spectateur.
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy present a series of multimedia projects that address the intersection of television, narrative, and computer database.
The HalfLifers exhume cinema's favorite incarnation of mindless, decaying mortality, the Zombie, in the hopes of breathing new life into this misunderstood figure. From a panel discussion in an old TV studio to a quarantined helicopter high above Califor
UnitedVisualArtists are producers, directors and designers of performance video, environmental graphics and real-time software and for a variety of media, permanent installations and live events.
syntfarm is a collective which explores and preserves expressions and structures of dynamic (eco)systems on our planet. there are 4 spheres that syntfarm renders on informational and tactile basis: Atmosphere, Biosphere, Lithosphere, and Hydrosphere.
abstract vj from italy
Collective artists from Canada
boredomresearch aim to create engaging digital artworks, developing themes and crossing boundaries between science, art and technology.
Artist collective from Chile
Organisme favorisant l'essor d'un langage videographique original. Formation, location d'equipement, festivals et informations pour devenir membre.
At its core, THE THING is a social network, made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of expert knowledge. From this social hub, THE THING has built an exceptional array of programs and initiatives, in both technological and cultur
Nous sommes une plateforme d'echanges qui fonctionne grace a chacun de nous et nous tous ensemble. Nous sommes reunis par l'interet pour les creations numeriques et les nouveaux medias dans tous les domaines : art, design, graphisme et architect
Alexandre Burton, Julien Roy and Jimmy Lakatos are three artists based in montreal and operating in the new media realm.
The Proyecto biopus group is formed by artists that investigate interactive art, and explore new relation possibilities between the work and the audience. Biopus Project is a group of teachers that work for the Multimedia Production Department, Fine Arts
Peter Fischli & David Weiss creent une oeuvre proteiforme qui est basee sur le mecanisme du lieu commun. Dans leurs photographies, leurs sculptures, leurs installations, leurs films transparaissent le banal et le quotidien...
Recherches et creation sonore / installations in-situ et multi-media / diffusion et pedagogie
NOMAD was founded in 2002 as an independent formation and registered as "association" in 2006. It targets to produce and experiment new patterns in the digital art sphere by using various lenses of other disciplines.
OffOff is a joint effort as the Internet platform of the independent art space of Switzerland and represents similar interests. OffOff represents free exhibition and project spaces that are obligated as non-profit status.
GERMINADOR wiki is an open and collaborative resource about net collective creation that is aimed at presenting experiences, identifying opportunities of experimentations and creating the suitable conditions for the generation of new proposals and for the
MPG -Mobile Performance Group is a collective of new media artists interested in finding new ways to present art outside of traditional venues. MPG disseminates their work by using automobiles, video projection, cell phones, FM transmission, wireless hots
rAndom International is a London based design collective that was founded by Stuart Wood, Flo Ortkrass and Hannes Koch in 2002.
at the mit media laboratory aesthetics + computation group we work toward the design of advanced system architectures and thought processes to enable the creation of (as yet) unimaginable forms and spaces