Blog about new media art news
Our mission is to distribute and archive works of time-based art. Each issue highlights artists working in new or experimental media, whose works are best documented in video or sound.
A selection of links about generative and new media art by Marius Watz
Selection of artworks which in some way engage computers or ideas about computing. The selection of works will highlight the philosophical, cultural, and ideological differences separating technological optimists, or utopians, and technological pessimists
Equipped with biometric video analyzing software, the installation detects and scrutinizes the faces of the people wishing to pass through the gate and enter the exhibition. Rather than try and identify the person, the software probes for facial features est une télévision ainsi qu’un espace multimédia et communautaire mis en réseau sur le web. C’est un outil d’investigation, d’information, d’analyse et de critique spécialisé dans le champ artistique.
CEMuTAN est un espace dédié aux technologies et aux arts numériques. Il vise à rendre visibles projets, recherches et ressources ainsi qu’à regrouper les actions des différentes structures engagées dans ces domaines en Ile-de-France.
Le séminaire "poésie:numérique" se propose d'élaborer, à partir du questionnement des oeuvres, un mode d'approche analytique de la poésie créée avec l'ordinateur.
Written for the catalogue to accompany the exhibition Star dot Star at Site Gallery, Sheffield, and the symposium Dialolgues with the Machine held at the ICA in 1998
For several years now, I've been using the simplest system of all - the binary system - instead of the decimal one, in other words, progression two by two because I've found that it helps perfect the science of numbers.
Video archive of ars electronica. Festival for Art, Technology and Society taking place annualy in Linz, Austria
Un LABO experimental Avec nos divers partenaires (plasticiens, musiciens, choregraphes, danseurs, informaticiens), nous mettons en place une cellule de veille technologique et artistique autour de la recherche, de la formation et du developpement de s
Over sixty participants gathered in Banff to consider strategies and ideas that allow those working with new media to better reflect and act upon the economic, social, cultural, natural and technological synergies and dichotomies of our changing world. is an online portal for new media. We are reporting about areas as diverse as ecology, intellectual property, digital satire, mobile media, net art, hacktivism, the visualisation of data, emergence and epistemology, node nurturing and responsive
Es por eso que el eje fundamental de la siguiente bienal es la RESISTENCIA, y mes especificamente la RESISTENCIA CRITICA, la cual funciona como un filtro y amplificador de reflexiones y obras que ponen en evidencia esta condicion...
Established in 2001 to support the development and promotion of media art in Australia and internationally, NOVAMEDIA is Australia's first media art agency.
Magnetic Room est ne, au debut du printemps 2008, du desir d interviewer des artistes dont nous aimons le travail et d'interroger leurs moyens d expression (net art, musique, cinema, video)
Australia's leading organisation dedicated to commssioning, exhibiting and promoting the most advanced media and technology - based art.
TESLA es un encuentro modular de Cultura Digital que reune en Santiago, Chile, a destacados representantes de la convergencia arte y ciencia del mundo.
La culture digitale s'incarne dans une multitude d'evenements et lieux multimedias. MCD se fait l'echo de ces initiatives en mettant en avant l'actualite de ce secteur au travers d'un agenda, de bloc-notes, d'annonces, de communiques
Collectif d'artistes, art numerique, installations, performances, multimedia, art contemporain
Musiques Actuelles Spectacle vivant Multimedia Arts numeriques
ACREQ is an organization interested in making links between electronic music and other visual media. This organization presents the latest aesthetic currents in artistic practice with new technologies at their core.
Brussels Flamingo Contemporary Art and New Media s ambition is to contribute to bringing fresh air to the European art scene by emphasising the newest innovative forms of contemporary art.
Located in the heart of Brussels, Gallery think.21 aspires to be a beacon featuring a careful selection of Belgian and international artists driven by inspiration conveyed through new media.
Considering art creation as a dynamic kind of research and a factor of transdisciplinarity between art, architecture, music, scenography, museology, robotics, aesthetics, communications, philosophy, education, social or political actions without no limi
Le CECN (Centre des Ecritures Contemporaines et Numeriques) est une structure bi-nationale de production, de sensibilisation et de formation aux technologies numeriques appliquees aux arts de la scene, lancee en juin 2004 a Mons, en Belgique.
Plataforma de Cultura Digital es una iniciativa cultural sin fines de lucro que concentra sus actividades en torno a la investigacion, creacion, prectica y difusion de lenguajes experimentales y cruces interdisciplinarios entre el arte y la ciencia, y
Medialab-Prado is aimed at the production, research, and dissemination of digital culture and of the area where art, science, technology, and society intersect. Our primary objective is to create a structure where both research and production are processe
Area 10 Project Space is based at the vast Eagle Wharf premises on Peckham Square, SE15, just behind the landmark Peckham Library. Its vast warehouse spaces and varied smaller units give it the capacity to explore a virtually unlimited range...
Italian webzine on New Media Art, Arte Elettronica, Cultura Digitale, New Media
Dominique Moulon ecrit sur les arts numeriques et enseigne les nouveaux medias.
New media is continually evolving on the local scene as well at the international level. Updating the knowledge of its evolution and innovations, which constantly emerge and in all its fields of activity, has now become a need impossible to circumvent for
Organisme favorisant l'essor d'un langage videographique original. Formation, location d'equipement, festivals et informations pour devenir membre.
New media french artist
a minima es una publicacion impresa de arte actual y nuevos medios que documenta el trabajo de artistas e investigadores interesados en la implicacion de la ciencia y la tecnologia en la cultura y el arte.
The aim of this website (begun May 2007) is to provide a space for critical texts on contemporary art that, as they accumulate, will cover as broad a spectrum as possible in terms of media and themes.
Nous sommes une plateforme d'echanges qui fonctionne grace a chacun de nous et nous tous ensemble. Nous sommes reunis par l'interet pour les creations numeriques et les nouveaux medias dans tous les domaines : art, design, graphisme et architect