a recently born interaction design group that explores natural communication between people and technology. We design experiences that merge real and digital into a creative environment where people are invited to touch, play, move, feel as they do in the
El taller d escenografia augmentada proposa, mitjancant l assaig practic, la confeccio d escenografies teatrals hibridant les noves disciplines audiovisuals amb el disseny escenografic classic.
Festival Internacional de Video Arte in Mardid, Gijon and Paris
LOOP was created in 2003, as an active platform of dissemination, creation and discussion of time-based media. Together with our network of professionals, we see videoart as a new way to push the limits of art and society.
En aquesta unitat es preten proporcionar un coneixement general sobre totes aquelles practiques artistiques que utilitzen la llum o imatges luminiques com a mitja de creacio. S'inicien les activitats fent una introduccio sobre
Medialab-Prado is aimed at the production, research, and dissemination of digital culture and of the area where art, science, technology, and society intersect. Our primary objective is to create a structure where both research and production are processe
a minima es una publicacion impresa de arte actual y nuevos medios que documenta el trabajo de artistas e investigadores interesados en la implicacion de la ciencia y la tecnologia en la cultura y el arte.
BaDArtE es una base de datos de recursos para las Artes Electronicas. En esta etapa pone al alcance de la comunidad profesional y academica interesada en las Artes Electronicas, informacion especializada sobre recursos tecnicos y tecnologicos de int
Mecad was created in September 1998 on the initiative of the Fundacio del Disseny Textil FUNDIT, the institution that in 1989 founded Escola Superior de Disseny ESDI.
LOOP is an annual meeting point for video art professionals that has a Festival + Fair + Panels format. It is a project led by Emilio Alvarez, Carlos Duren and Llucia Homs.
With the LABCYBERSPACES open invitation, Laboral Art and Industrial Creation Centre wishes to foster an open reflection on the connections between art and technology and industry that will lead to an exhibition to open in Spring 2007
music magazine
Posse de arquitectos, hackers y activistas sociales experimentando en los territorios emergentes de la espacialidad ciborg, recombinacian de espacios fasicos, cuerpos sociales y redes de informacian
urban prescriptions
Revista de artes visuales [Suecia]
Call for Works, call for papers and grants