Blackout poetry is made by colouring over parts of an existing text, so that only selected words remain visible, creating a poem.
To use this tool, you can select a text from the samples, or paste your own text source into the custom text field. Your chosen text will appear in the large box to the right.
With your mouse or touchscreen, select the words from the text you want to keep, and, when you are ready, press the black out button.
If you want to save the result as an image, maybe to post to your social network of choice, scroll down and hit Render as image. You can then save the image directly to your device.
Raymond Queneau (1903-1976) was a French writer, closely associatd with the surrealists.
Cent mille milliards de poèmes is a book of ten poems. From them you can create 100,000,000,000,000 properly-formed sonnets.
Queneau was a founder of OULIPO, a group devoted to exploring and playing with language.
The book's exraordinary. Treat yourself. It's published by Gallimard and still in print.
This site is an English translation
You can see the basic poems or random poems, assemble your own poem or run a slide show.
New poems can be formed by replacing lines with any line that rhymes
Background material throws light on Queneau, the book and the translation. The poems are annotated.
A Physical Book makes a digitized book “physical” by rendering it in a simulated space where properties like gravity, friction, and velocity all apply. The program randomly perturbs the letters, then takes a snapshot at a point in time, re-assembling the images into a new, “un-digitized” book.
The raw, uncorrected scanned text of The Up-To-Date Sandwich Book: 400 Ways to Make a Sandwich (1909) is re-imagined as this 251 page (50,964 words) book:
A Physical Book uses the web-based game engine Phaser. Each page of the book is rendered into an invisible <div>
(to produce correct leading and line-height), then copied into the Phaser game world with each letter instantiated as a distinct addressable sprite.
For each page, one of a dozen transformations is applied to give the text varying physical properties, such as mass, acceleration, collision, or opacity.
On page load, the requested chapter number is rendered, the transformation is assigned, and the world is allowed to run. A Selenium wrapper script calls all 500 pages in succession, taking a screenshot at a random point in the animation:
The final book is rendered in a two-page spread PDF.
This map is an illustration in ‘The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits)’, a nonsensical and somewhat grim poem by Lewis Carroll
Le séminaire "poésie:numérique" se propose d'élaborer, à partir du questionnement des oeuvres, un mode d'approche analytique de la poésie créée avec l'ordinateur.
L'abstract hip-hop est un courant du hip-hop se demarquant du reste de la scene rap par de nombreux aspects : themes tres eloignes des preoccupations habituelles du hip-hop et ou l'on retrouve plus volontiers des paroles poetiques, abstraites..
Relation between text, space and time
Definition and example of oulipo rules
By andreas freise
Mathematical operations on words
A community for exchanging used books
Literature community
Pole multimedia de creation litteraire
Create the perfect slogan from a keyword
Flash based google news
Creative project by russian type designers
Tracking the way we use language
Mailing-list art programme
Jeux litteraires hebdromadaires
Raymond queneau oulipo text
Ouvroir de Litterature Potentiel
Ouvroir de Litterature Potentiel
Textual exp. and constrain
Compose a love poem
Oulipo game
Textes d'auteurs appartenant au domaine public.