Design, illustration, advertising blog
VLU is devoted to contemporary art & design.
Your daily dose of design inspiration
Alternative media platform for video reporting. One of the main characteristics of V2V is the use of only open source software in order to provide free and equal access to the video source.
Italian webzine on New Media Art, Arte Elettronica, Cultura Digitale, New Media
humeurs et etats des arts numeriques a l ERG et ailleurs
Design webzine
Comunidad subacuetica de arte y accion libre
a blog about art
architectural conjecture :: urban speculation :: landscape futures
TWENTY1F (or 21F) is a group of designers, researchers, artists and technologists pushing the boundaries of fashion. They are committed to exploring and documenting the redefinition of the body and society through the hybridization of clothing and techno.
Better Living Through Design is an e-magazine dedicated to providing a resource to people interested in great design.
We aim to provide all the information a user will need to make an intelligent purchasing decision. productdose covers the style, design, and technology trends that interest our readers, and the magazine offers in-depth reviews of consumer products
Bienvenue sur oeil pour oeil, un blogue publie par la Societe des Designers Graphiques du Quebec (SDGQ) qui se consacre a la reflexion et l actualite dans le domaine du design graphique a l echelle locale et internationale.
Moleskin illustration blog
Blog about interactive projects using processing
Desormais, l architecture c est du cinema C est en tout cas ce qu annoncait Paul Virilio dans son esthetique de la disparition. A travers les pages et articles de ce blog, il s agira d etudier les exemples ou les situations
Marti Sanchez website
Japanese calligraphy
form follows data - data visualization & visual communication
Image Blog of art and design
The purpose of Tale of Tales is to create elegant and emotionally rich interactive entertainment. We explicitly want to cater to people who are not enchanted by most contemporary computer games, or who wouldn t mind more variety in their gameplay
The aim of this website (begun May 2007) is to provide a space for critical texts on contemporary art that, as they accumulate, will cover as broad a spectrum as possible in terms of media and themes.
We are an interactive media group researching and creating open source machine sensing techniques to benefit artistic and educational applications.
The language for intuitive relationships between humans and machines
Design and technology blog from Japan
Review on art
In what ways do the networked forms of recent art, from relational aesthetics to artist cooperatives to multiple and fictive artist-identities, oppose the New Economy's promotion of entrepreneurialism, flexible management, participatory architectures.
Notes on installation art, performance art, interactive art, digital art, web art, theater, cinema, painting, sculpture, and more, and more, and more
things magazine was originally founded in 1994 by a group of writers and historians based at the Victoria & Albert Museum/Royal College of Art in the belief that objects can open up new ways of understanding the world.
Damon zucconi art blog
Developing critical discourse outside of an institutional framework... but rather than thinking of it like a new building, imagine scaffolding that attaches onto existing buildings and creates new architectures between them.
a Community & Resource for freelancers of all varieties - designers, writers programmers, illustrators, photographers
Chilean blog on architecture and urbanism
Connecting art and activism
Bienvenus sur le nouveau site internet de l asbl artefakt ! Ce site est encore en construction mais du contenu commence a etre accessible. Il est entierement dynamique, toutes les images, textes etc.. peuvent etre mis a jour par les artistes.
L ELEPHANT is an association of artists eager to share, that which inspires them. 53, rue Thiefry 1030 Schaerbeek/Bruxelles
VideoChannel is constructed in two parts, a low-tech administrative body, which is containing all textual and documentary information, and a high-tech Flash based body containing basically the videos.
Le blog tout d'abord consiste a aborder tout ce qui concerne l'origami et/ou en quoi l'origami permet de se frayer un chemin dans l'information afin d'aborder des questions de societes.
Writings about design & culture