What is Open Library?
Our goal is to provide a page on the web for every book ever published.
At its heart, Open Library is a catalog. The project began in November 2007 and has been inhaling catalog records from some of the biggest libraries in the world ever since. We have well over 20 million edition records online, provide access to 1.7 million scanned versions of books, and link to external sources like WorldCat and Amazon when we can. The secondary goal is to get you as close to the actual document you're looking for as we can, whether that is a scanned version courtesy of the Internet Archive, or a link to Powell's where you can purchase your own copy.
YubNub is a command-line for the web. After setting it up on your browser, you simply type "gim porsche 911" to do a Google Image Search for pictures of Porsche 911 sports cars. Type "random 49" to return random numbers between 1 and 49, courtesy of random.org. And best of all, you can make a new command by giving YubNub an appropriate URL.
The music search engine & internet jukebox
The TAGallery is a project developed by the Vienna-based collective CONT3XT.NET. More than a virtual gallery, TAGallery is a curatorial experiment.
Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user.
Where do you get all those cool links
Archiving service for electronic mailing lists
The ultimate video search engine
Search in a selection of flickr img by drawing
The weblog guide!
People. powered. search.
Art news, art history, contemporary artist
Search engine and discovery engine
Collaborative music database