What BirdNET-Pi Does
24/7 recording from any USB sound card/microphone
24/7 local BirdNET-Lite analysis
Automatically extracts the detected songs, chirps, and peeps from recordings
Creates spectrograms of each recorded bird sound
Enters each detection into a local SQlite database for storage and data visualization
Hosts its own Caddy web server so that the data can be accessed from any web browser or device (can be configured to be local only or can easily be made public to share with the world — check out the public installations below!)
Offers local Streamlit database analysis to visualize daily and long-term presence data
Live audio stream
BirdWeather.com integration
Based on the novel "Roadside Picnic" by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. The Zone that arose on Earth for unknown reasons attracts attention with inexplicable phenomena that occur there. A rumor has spread that in the center of the Zone there is something that gives a person everything he wants. But staying in the Zone is deadly, and therefore it is strictly guarded. There, each for their own reasons, the Writer and the Professor go, the Stalker leads them to the mysterious center, feeling and understanding the Zone...
Directed by: Andrey Tarkovsky
Writted by: Strugatsky Boris, Strugatsky Arkady
Music: Artemyev Eduard
Operator: Knyazhinsky Alexander
Production Designer: Andrey Tarkovsky
Started: Nikolay Grinko, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Alisa Freindlich, Alexander Kaidanovsky
3d collages composed in Unity with scans collected in botanic gardens, backyards, beaches, natural parks…
The following is a "photographic" gallery of fractal patterns found while exploring the planet with Google Earth. Each is provided with a KMZ file so the reader can explore the region for themselves. Readers are encouraged to submit their own discoveries for inclusion, credits will be included. Besides being examples of self similar fractals, they are often very beautiful structures ... not an uncommon characteristic of fractal geometry.
Self Similarity
Fractals are usually associated with self similarity across scales. For pure/idealised mathematical fractals the self similarity may be across an infinite range of scales, such as the Sierpinski Gasket. In real life and in nature the self similarity is only across a range of scales. Branching structures, such as most of the examples shown here, are classic examples of self similarity across 2, 3 or 4 scales. As with many plants, a thick branch (trunk) branches into one or more smaller branches, which in turn split into one or more smaller branches, and so on. The structure is similar at each scale, from the twigs to the main tree trunk.
An example of this for a river system is illustrated below, clicking on an image will give the high resolution version of the image without the markings. For the image on the right the pixel size is 30cm, the image on the right has a pixel size of 7.5cm. At each scale the branching structures are similar in appearance.
Seashells are beautiful objects that are admired for both their intricate shapes and the patterns on their surfaces. Despite their complexity these shapes are easily described using only elementary tools from geometry. Indeed a wide variety of natural shell shapes can be composed as surfaces in a 3-space and rendered using computer graphic imagery. Moreover, the pigmentation motifs that decorate many shells in the form of wavy stripes and checks as well as chaotic and tent designs can be generated by cellular automaton models, and in particular by the famous “Rule 30”.
Sundial is a solar analysis project by prescription. in collaboration with Arup. The geometry is strictly pragmatic, based on natural solar trajectory and without additional beautification.
Sundial is the result of a study of the solar path cycle. The gathered data is transformed into geometry for each hour of daylight. The direction of the sun’s rays dictates and shapes the outline of the sundial to provide the minimum necessary surface area. The optimized geometry also resembles that of a flower petal, and likewise the structure can be self-bearing without the need for supporting elements. This finding raises the question – are flower petals such a shape due to the trajectory of the sun?
Features: shows time in digits; works 365 days a year;· entirely scalable;· unique to geographic location;· provides basis for future implementation.
A 3D printed prototype was made out of strong and flexible plastic for a “field test” in Amsterdam, which proved that the calculations are correct.
Sundial can be installed for light festivals and expos and, because it is scalable, in spaces from parks to front yards.
Sundial is a contemporary intervention revealing the interplay of daylight and a mathematically composed static geometry that will fascinate people and celebrates light
The geometry highlights that nature and mathematical laws are beautiful in and of themselves. At prescription. our task is to find and to translate these into architectural objects and processes.
Unequal Scenes portrays scenes of inequality in South Africa from the air.
Discrepancies in how people live are sometimes hard to see from the ground. The beauty of being able to fly is to see things from a new perspective - to see things as they really are. Looking straight down from a height of several hundred meters, incredible scenes of inequality emerge. Some communities have been expressly designed with separation in mind, and some have grown more or less organically.
During apartheid, segregation of urban spaces was instituted as policy. Roads, rivers, “buffer zones” of empty land, and other barriers were constructed and modified to keep people separate. 22 years after the end of apartheid, many of these barriers, and the inequalities they have engendered, still exist. Oftentimes, communities of extreme wealth and privilege will exist just meters from squalid conditions and shack dwellings.
My desire with this project is to portray the most Unequal Scenes in South Africa as objectively as possible. By providing a new perspective on an old problem, I hope to provoke a dialogue which can begin to address the issues of inequality and disenfranchisement in a constructive and peaceful way.
In July 2016, MoMA PS1 invited artist Katharina Grosse to transform a decaying former military building at Fort Tilden, Queens, into a monumental, sublime artwork using a specialized technique to spray brightly colored paint directly onto the structure. Grosse’s approach highlights the potential of painting as a medium, and encapsulates the stark beauty of this manmade structure and its natural surroundings.
The Macaulay Library is the world's largest and oldest scientific archive of biodiversity audio and video recordings. Our mission is to collect and preserve recordings of each species' behavior and natural history, to facilitate the ability of others to collect and preserve such recordings, and to actively promote the use of these recordings for diverse purposes spanning scientific research, education, conservation, and the arts.
The movie Nature by Numbers created by Etérea [etereaestudios.com] is a beautifully illustrated animation focusing on remarkable geometrical and mathematical properties.
The Digital Catalogue constitutes a unique resource: comprising approximately 3,500 images, it documents the 2,700 or so sculptures that Goldsworthy made in the ten-year period 1976-1986
Yannick dauby sound experiment and theory