The X27 is the highest performing true gen 4 color night vision low light sensor imaging system. The low noise real time 60hz HD detector is the first of its kind breakthrough technology that offers day like imagery in the darkest of environments. The X27 color low light camera images from 390 to 1.2 Um and sees IR military spot lasers. The Sensitivity outperforms the latest image intensified tube night vision technology and does so in full color.
A Chrome experiment webapp that glitches photos
The Toolkit for Sensing People in Spaces (TSPS) works by extending the energy of a person, through face, body and other assigned detection technology and revealing a visual interpretation of that person through software.
SurveillanceSaver is a screensaver for OS X and Windows that shows live images of over 400 network surveillance cameras worldwide. A haunting live soap opera.
Webcams from somewhere in the world..
Using a webcam and flash, we ve taken our Papervision character from the desktop to the desk. A new and exciting way to interact with your flash content.
Video clone split cam capture driver software
Googlemap webcam