: Here you can listen to the latest music from your favorite cities around the world. The music is streamed from professional audio platform SoundCloud,...
Mobio - Listening to the walls whisper : <p>The sound devices described below were used for the first time by <a href="">Echelle Inconnue</a> in September 2010 ...
Pixelache festival : Pixelache is a festival for electronic art and subcultures. Pixelache presents projects experimenting with media and technology from a broad range of ...
Touched Echo by Markus Kison : <p>"touched echo" is a minimal medial intervention in public space. The visitors of the Bruhl's Terrace (Dresden, Germany) are taken back in time to t...
Mass Files : Mass Files is an archive of auditory urban landscapes captured around the globe. Professional sound recordists and artists were invited to capture a s...