Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics. We are targeting the sweet spot between real-time rendering, graph-based procedural content generation and linear keyframe animation and editing. This combination allows…
artists to build audio reactive vj content
use advanced interfaces for exploring parameters
or to combine keyframe animation with automation
Technical artists can also dive deeper and use tool for advanced development of fragment or compute shaders or to add input from midi controllers and sensors or sources like OSC or Spout.
We strongly believe in usability and intuitive and beautiful interface design. That's why we experiment with different approaches before striking the right balance between usability and powerful flexibility. Currently tool version 3 is an ongoing development. It's stable enough to produce high-end visuals create motion graphics use many industry standard features like color correction, scopes and tone mapping, and export small standalone executables.
EmotiBit is a wearable sensor module for capturing high-quality emotional, physiological, and movement data. Easy-to-use and scientifically-validated sensing lets you enjoy wireless data streaming to any platform or direct data recording to the built-in SD card. Customize the Arduino-compatible hardware and fully open-source software to meet any project needs!
Libre and modular OSC / MIDI controller :
A standalone timeline app that can be controlled by and sends out its values via OSC.
A Posh based timeline that can be controlled by and sends out its values via OSC.
Brought to you by vvvv.
Requires Internet Explorer >= 10 to be installed on your system.
Looking for a binary download? Get it here.
A free and open-source intermedia sequencer
Enables precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios.
Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware:
Max/MSP, PureData, openFrameworks, Processing…
Each letter of the alphabet is an operation, lowercase letters operate on bang, uppercase letters operate each frame. Orca is designed to control other applications, create procedural sequencers, and to experiment with livecoding. See the documentation and installation instructions here, or have a look at a tutorial video.
add: Outputs the sum of inputs.B
bool: Bangs if input is not empty, or 0.C
clock: Outputs a constant value based on the runtime frame.D
delay: Bangs on a fraction of the runtime frame.E
east: Moves eastward, or bangs.F
if: Bangs if both inputs are equal.G
generator: Writes distant operators with offset.H
halt: Stops southward operators from operating.I
increment: Increments southward operator.J
jumper: Outputs the northward operator.K
konkat: Outputs multiple variables.L
loop: Loops a number of eastward operators.M
modulo: Outputs the modulo of input.N
north: Moves Northward, or bangs.O
offset: Reads a distant operator with offset.P
push: Writes an eastward operator with offset.Q
query: Reads distant operators with offset.R
random: Outputs a random value.S
south: Moves southward, or bangs.T
track: Reads an eastward operator with offset.U
uturn: Reverses movement of inputs.V
variable: Reads and write globally available variables.W
west: Moves westward, or bangs.X
teleport: Writes a distant operator with offset.Y
jymper: Outputs the westward operator.Z
zoom: Moves eastwardly, respawns west on collision.*
bang: Bangs neighboring operators.#
comment: Comments a line, or characters until the next hash.:
midi: Sends a MIDI note.^
cc: Sends a MIDI CC value.;
udp: Sends a UDP message.=
osc: Sends a OSC message.enter
bang selected operator.shift+enter
toggle insert/
toggle play/pause.>
increase BPM.<
decrease BPM.shift+arrowKey
Expand cursor.ctrl+arrowKey
Leap cursor.alt+arrowKey
Move selection.ctrl+c
copy selection.ctrl+x
cut selection.ctrl+v
paste selection.ctrl+z
increase grid size vertically.[
decrease grid size vertically.}
increase grid size horizontally.{
decrease grid size horizontally.ctrl/meta+]
increase program size vertically.ctrl/meta+[
decrease program size vertically.ctrl/meta+}
increase program size horizontally.ctrl/meta+{
decrease program size horizontally.ctrl+=
Zoom In.ctrl+-
Zoom Out.ctrl+0
Toggle interface.backquote
Toggle background.Download the app here :
Source code :
Video tutorial :
To test midi on Macosx :
Activate the virtual Midi input on Macosx :
Pilot (another way to create music with orca from the same creators) :
Download the app here :
Source code :
A good explanation of the software in German :
Tapioca Toys Cardboard
Real-world interfaces built to play music, mold landscapes, draw… for kids & grown-ups.
The Cardboard Edition is the latest-born of our tapioca interfaces. We're introducing this compact, low-cost and low-tech version that's easy for us to mail and easy for you to build. All it does require is an iPhone, and not necessarily the latest kind: versions 5 to X are compatible. To learn more about the why and the how, visit our lab article.
The first commercially available brainwave to synthesizer (both CV and MIDI) interface on the worldwide market.
By using the Neurosky Mindwave headset you can coax your brain activity to change every parameter of sound, light and video devices in your performance or studio.
A free and open-source intermedia sequencer
Enables precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios. Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware : Max/MSP, PureData, OpenFrameworks, Processing...