World Map of futur total solar eclipses : <p>To see a total solar eclipse, you have to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time—inside the moon’s dark inner shadow as the earth,...
100,000 Stars : <p><span class="st">An interactive 3D visualization of the stellar neighborhood, including over <em>100000</em> nearby <em>stars</em>.</span></p>
Asteroid Discovery - 1980-2012 - UHDTV : <p>The latest update to the asteroid discovery video, now at UHDTV resolutions and with a voiceover explaining what's going on.</p>
Atlas of Prejudice | Mapping Stereotypes in a Book : <p>Satire and cartography rarely come in a single package but in the Atlas of Prejudice they successfully blend to produce a book that is shockingly f...