GPT-2 Neural Network Poetry - : Demonstration tutorial of retraining OpenAI’s GPT-2-small (a text-generating Transformer neural network) on a large public domain Project Gutenberg po...
Cliche Finder : Have you been searching for just the right cliche to use? Are you searching for a cliche using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come u...
Genotype : genoTyp is an experiment regarding fonts under genetic aspects. Their characteristics are encoded in hereditary factors. Different fonts can be mixed ...
Instant artist statement : Arty Bollocks Generator : <p>Do you hate having to write your artist statement? Generate your own here for free, and if you don't like it, generate another one. For use with fu...
The Story Starter provides 298 million ideas for writers of novels, short stories, mysteries, horror, science fiction or silly stories. If you have never written a story, The Story Starter will give you ideas that will help you get started.